达飞在2021国际件杂货运输展上推出“项目货物BETTER WAYS”CMA CGM Project Cargo at WBX
作者:达飞轮船中国    发布于:2021-11-06 10:23:48    文字:【】【】【

·  2021国际件杂货运输展在上海举行

·  达飞项目货运部:专业团队借助集团全球网络,提高航次密度,缩短运输时间。

· 达飞集团引领航运物流业能源转型,助力客户提升环境绩效。

·  CMA CGM at World Breakbulk Expo 2021 in Shanghai to project cargo owners.

·  CMA CGM Project Cargo: a dedicated team and the Group’s global network offering high sailing frequency and fast transit time.

·  CMA CGM Group leading the energy transition in shipping and logistics and helping customers to improve their environmental performance.


World Breakbulk Expo (WBX) 2021, one of the world’s largest event for the project cargo and breakbulk industry, was held in Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center on October 12 and 13. CMA CGM, as an important participant of the event, took this opportunity to talk face-to-face with project cargo owners, strengthen partnerships and develop potential customers.



A dedicated Project Cargo team combined with CMA CGM’s global shipping and logistics network

CMA CGM, a world leader in shipping and logistics, with a Project Cargo division dedicated to out-of-gauge and breakbulk shipments, has a proven track record of transporting a wide variety of project cargoes across the world. CMA CGM Project Cargo division’s expertise which differentiates it from competitors thanks to a dedicated team specialized in handling oversized cargo, best-in-class operation excellence, rich experience in offering tailor-made solutions, highest safety standards and a global network offering high sailing frequency and fast transit time. CMA CGM project cargo team is capable of offering solutions for cargo whose dimensions greatly exceed standards, as evidenced by our experience in shipping the heaviest containerized breakbulk piece at 457 metric tons and the longest containerized breakbulk piece at 44 meters.


In China, CMA CGM Project Cargo especially loads components for the major Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in the renewable energy industry, rail cars and motor vehicles to every corner of the world. 


除了为客户定制项目货运解决方案外,达飞集团在开发可持续解决方案方面的敏捷性使其能够领先一步,提供创新型解决方案。2020年11月,达飞推出ACT with CMA CGM+系列增值服务,助力客户通过分析、减轻和抵消货运对环境的影响来掌控环境绩效。客户可选用Cleaner Energy Biofuel(清洁能源生物燃料)、Cleaner Energy LNG(清洁能源液化天然气)、Positive Offset(主动碳中和)等多项增值服务,以减少碳排放。

Taking concrete action to make shipping and logistics a more sustainable industry

Apart from securing clients with tailor-made project cargo solutions, the CMA CGM Group’s agility in offering sustainable solutions enables it to go the extra mile and offer innovative solutions. Launched in November 2020, the ACT with CMA CGM+ range of value-added services allows clients to take control of their environmental performance by analyzing, reducing, and offsetting the impact of their shipments. Several value-added services such as using Cleaner Energy Biofuel, Cleaner Energy LNG, Positive Offset are available for clients to reduce carbon emissions.


The CMA CGM Group already operates 20 dual-fuel container vessels currently powered with LNG, reducing CO2 emissions, and eliminating almost all emissions of atmospheric pollutants, and will operate a fleet of 44 dual-fuel ships of diverse sizes by 2024. The engines fitted on these ships are already capable of using e-methane (rather than LNG), a carbon-neutral fuel source.

达飞集团始终坚信,经济效益与社会和环境效益息息相关。达飞的新口号BETTER WAYS体现了集团的战略转型,目标是促进更高效、更具弹性、更可持续的全球贸易。BETTER WAYS是一种心态,更是一项承诺,旨在为集团的员工、客户、合作伙伴以及整个航运物流业采取积极行动,创造价值。

The CMA CGM Group has always considered its economic performance intrinsically tied to its social and environmental performance. The CMA CGM Group’s new signature BETTER WAYS embodies its’ strategic transformation to build a more efficient, resilient, and sustainable global trade. BETTER WAYS is a mindset and a commitment to act and create value for the Group’ employees, customers, partners and for the whole shipping and logistics industry.


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