达飞和上港完成中国首次LNG加注CMA CGM&SIPG Completed China's 1st LNG Bunkering
作者:达飞轮船中国    发布于:2022-04-08 20:54:32    文字:【】【】【
摘要:· 达飞集团15000标箱的LNG动力超大型集装箱船“达飞锡米”号于2022年3月15日在上海港完成了LNG加注 · 加注服务由上港集团旗下全球最大LNG加注船“海港未来”轮完成,其LNG舱容达2万立方米 · 这是中国港口首次实现LNG“船到船”同步加注作业,上港集团与达飞集团共同开启了航运和物流能源转型的新里程碑 · CMA CGM SYMI, a 15,000 TEU LNG-powered containership was bunkered with LNG at Shanghai Port today. · SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL PORT GROUP(SIPG) provided LNG supply through Haigang Weilai, a new 20,000 m3 LNG bunkering vessel and the largest LNG bunkering vessel in the world. · The first ship-to-ship LNG simultaneous operation (SIMOPS) bunkering operation in China, a new milestone for shipping and logistics’ energy transition.


On March 15th, 2022, the CMA CGM Group, a world leader in shipping and logistics, and SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL PORT (GROUP) CO., LTD. (“SIPG”), a world leading terminal operator, successfully achieved the LNG bunkering of CMA CGM SYMI, a 15,000 TEU LNG-powered containership. The vessel, deployed on the PRX line connecting China and the US, was refueled with LNG at Yangshan Port. Haigang Weilai, a new 20,000 m3 LNG bunker barge deployed by SIPG provided CMA CGM SYMI with LNG by means of a ship-to-ship transfer, while the containership carried out cargo operations simultaneously.



A new milestone for shipping and logistics’ energy transition

The Shanghai Port's bonded LNG bunkering project has been highly valued by the Shanghai Municipal Government, and all relevant departments have given immense support, as it contributes to creating a world-class business environment, improving Shanghai's port service functions and enhancing the overall competitiveness of Shanghai as an international shipping center. According to the agreement signed between CMA CGM and SIPG in January, starting at the end of the first quarter of 2022, and for a duration of 10 years, SIPG will provide SIMOPS LNG bunkering service for CMA CGM’s vessels sailing from China to the United-States at Yangshan Port, the first of its kind in China.


达飞集团通过“更优方式”(Better Ways)致力于航运物流业的可持续发展,也参与了联合国零排放竞赛倡议,力争在2050年前成为绝对零碳排放公司,超越“2050碳中和”目标。

CMA CGM, leading shipping’s energy transition with a fleet of 44 e-methane ready vessels by the end of 2024.

The CMA CGM Group is committed to making shipping and logistics a more sustainable industry through Better Ways, and the Group has joined the United Nations' Race to Zero initiative to become a Net Zero Carbon company by 2050.


To achieve this goal, CMA CGM is taking concrete actions by adopting the best available solutions, and since 2017, CMA CGM has chosen to invest in dual-fuel vessels that run on liquefied natural gas (LNG), avoiding up to 99% of atmospheric pollutant emissions. LNG-powered vessel is an important first step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions as the engine installed on these vessels is capable of, and already is, using BioLNG (-67% in CO₂ emissions). In the coming years, those engines will use synthetic methane (including e-methane). The CMA CGM Group’s “e-methane ready” fleet consists of 26 vessels already in service and a total of 44 vessels by the end of 2024.


As the world's leading terminal operator, SIPG has always integrated the concept of green and sustainable development into all aspects and in the port development and is committed to becoming a leader in promoting the green and ecological ports. SIPG has been making great effort through technology-driven measures like cold-ironing and diesel-oil transition to create environmentally friendly port. The carbon emission intensity in Shanghai Port has been decreasing over the years. SIPG continues to develop green ports in line with the national goal of "dual carbon" proposed in the 14th Five-year Plan. The LNG clean fuel bunkering service for CMA CGM is SIPG's contribution to reducing the carbon footprint for the shipping and logistics supply chain.


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