达飞助力连云港政府运输蔬菜驰援上海 CMA CGM Helps Lianyungang’s Vegetable Donation
作者:达飞轮船中国    发布于:2022-04-13 07:15:59    文字:【】【】【


Recently, as Omicron spreads in Shanghai, one of China’s largest cities and where the CMA CGM China Head Office is located, the city has been placed on lockdown under the government's "Zero COVID" policy since March. To support Shanghai in its fight against Omicron, the government of Lianyungang, Jiangsu province, decided to donate 20000 boxes of fresh vegetable to Shanghai. The CMA CGM Group responded to this initiative actively and offered 10 40' high-cube containers for the transportation of vegetables for free. After picking up the vegetables from depot on April 5th, trucks loaded with CMA CGM containers arrived in Shanghai on April 6th, offering timely support for residence in Shanghai.  


The CMA CGM Group has always considered its economic performance to be indissociable from its social responsibilities. The growth of CMA CGM over the past 40 years has been based on strong humane values. Hard times make for stronger bond. At difficult times, CMA CGM is with each one of you!


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